SCIP hosting information meeting about students and online access


The School Community Intervention & Prevention (SCIP) organization is hosting an informational meeting from 6:30 to 8 pm on Feb. 25 at the Vrbka Classrooms at the Lincoln Medical Education Partnership (4600 Valley Road) in Lincoln.

With 1 in 5 children experiencing solicitation online, the dangers of technology are undeniable. Many caregivers feel overwhelmed when it comes to setting boundaries around technology with their child, and they often don’t know where to start. Aubrey Yost, a Training and Outreach Specialist with BraveBe Child Advocacy Center, will provide tips for navigating the digital age with children and teens and will discuss:

  • Risks involved with technology
  • Tools that can assist youth and adults to navigate technology together
  • How to engage youth in discussions regarding online safety

Please contact Abbe Edgecombe, SCIP Coordinator for Lincoln-Lancaster County, for questions or additional information: (402)-327-6841 or at

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