Campus Ministry

Students will be involved in many faith-based activities such as regular mass, adoration, confession, prayer time at the beginning of every class and more. But in order for students to thrive in their faith during and after high school, they are encouraged to make their faith their own!

Owning your own faith typically involves developing your own strategies for being open to God’s word (regular schedule of silent time, prayer, devotions, confession, etc.), and participating in faith-based activities that fit your personal interests (an activity that allows you to bond with other like-minded individuals, such as theater, music, sports and more).

When students graduate high school, a large part of their structured faith life (school) is removed. Anecdotal and scientific research focused on college students staying active in their faith points to them purposely seeking out a Newman Center at a university, or a Catholic bible study, or even becoming involved in the local Catholic church.

At Pius X, students have many opportunities to lay that foundation that transcends the normal high school experience, and is truly their own upon graduation.

fr samuel Beardslee theology teacher
Fr. Samuel Beardslee Campus Co-Chaplain
tori roberts

Tori Roberts
Campus Ministry

erinn black

Erinn Maly
Campus Ministry

Scotty Sullivan
Scotty Sullivan Campus Ministry

Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, February 15 - Men’s Retreat – Women’s Retreat

  • Sunday, February 16 - Men’s Retreat – Women’s Retreat

  • Saturday, February 22 - Pack the Chap

  • Wednesday, March 5 - Ash Wednesday Mass

  • Wednesday, March 5 - RESTORE

  • Friday, March 14 - Lenten Service

  • Wednesday, March 19 - Pack the Chap

  • Friday, March 21 - Lenten Service


  • Restore is an incredible night of Adoration that occurs the first Wednesday of every month from 7-8pm at Pius. Restore starts with a student testimony followed by adoration, confessions, prayer teams, and praise and worship! There is social time with snacks after.

Contact any member of Campus Ministry Team or Mrs. Roberts for more information.

Thank you for a great 2023-2024 year of RESTORE! We reached 330 students at many of the Restores this year!! Dates for 2024-25 will be posted here soon.

10 6 Restore kid Clare 15

Helping at Mass

Mass is THE prayer of God’s children!  Would you like to help at this great prayer?  Sign up to help at the all-school Masses as an altar server, reader and/or gift bearer. Learn More

May Crowning Mass 15


Retreats are offered for each grade level and for all students, and for local and regional events.

Students who will be in grades 10, 11 and 12 this fall can sign-up for your first-choice retreat on our website. Incoming freshman are auto-registered for the freshman retreat this August. Starting Sept. 1, students in all grades can sign up for additional retreats.

Learn More & Register

seek retreat group picture

Campus Ministry Team

Campus Ministry Team is CLOSED for new applications for the 23′-24 school year. Please check back in May to apply for next year.

campus ministry group shot

Advent and Lenten Services

Would you like to help by sharing your testimony or giving insight into Advent or Lent? Please email Mrs. Roberts or visit Mrs. Roberts in the Campus Ministry office by the Chapel!

lenten service bree korta


Daily Mass- Monday through Friday 7:20am

Daily Confession

  • Before school: Monday 8:35-8:55 am and Tuesday through Friday 7:45-7:55 am
  • After school: Monday through Friday 3:30pm until done

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Every Wednesday  7:45am – 3:35pm
  • Every First Friday  7:45am – 3:25pm
Ash Wednesday All School Mass 14

Pro-Life Club

Check back for more information on the Pro Life Club.

pro life assembly web1
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