The Xchange

Xchange: Video

Malina Easton Ro Sham Bo PSA

Ro Sham Bo PSA

Students! This Friday: Ro Sham Bo Your goal is to get as many beads as

Malina Roxie Class Registration PSA

Class Registration PSA

Hey Thunderbolts, it’s registration time! Director of counseling Shelly Pick tells you all you need

Inara Ava AcaDeca 2nd Scrimmage 2

Video: Academic Decathlon competes at second scrimmage

Academic Decathlon’s second scrimmage was held at Bellevue East High School. The scrimmage went over science, social science, economics and music. Learn more about how Academic Decathlon prepares and competes

Easton Malina Wick and Wax 2

Wick and Wax grows from idea to business

What originally started out as a warm Saturday morning eating breakfast at IHOP ended up becoming the start of two young students’ business venture. Learn more about Wick and Wax

Sarah Marians 3

Marian Sisters hold special place at Pius X

The Marian Sisters are a religious order located in the Diocese of Lincoln. They follow the Franciscan rule along with their own constitution. The Marian Sisters teach in various Catholic

Blair Maria Restore PSA Pic

December Restore Preview

Are you going to Restore? Restore is a night of adoration, student testimony, prayer teams, confessions – it’s a beautiful night to encounter the Lord. The next Restore is Wednesday,

Roxie Yearbook PSA

Yearbook Order PSA

Pius X yearbook has been working hard to produce the 2023-24 yearbook. This year’s theme is “Light up the dark.” Learn more about how to reserve your copy in the

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Minchow recounts bowling journey

Senior Owen Minchow has been bowling since his sophomore year of high school. Learn more about his bowling journey in this video.

Grace S. BOLT Lottery PSA pic

BOLT Lottery Ticket Sales PSA

BOLT is the largest fundraiser for Pius X each year. Students are asked to sell lottery tickets for the event. Learn more in Grace’s video!

Cassie APES Field Trip Pic

AP Environmental Science Tours Pius X

Students in AP Environmental Science took a tour around Pius X. Facilities manager Matt Schafers helped the students learn about the school’s heating and cooling systems. Learn more in Cassie’s

Cassie Lillian Grace Arrigo Book pic

Senior to publish psychological thriller novel

“Ember can’t comprehend why this is happening, but a boy with bleach-blonde hair explains ‘Dexter wants friends.’” Grace Arrigo began her work on writing a psychological thriller in seventh grade.

Easton Overtime video pic

Check out Overtime!

Pius X is holding its first ever Overtime event, open to all Pius X students. The event is Friday, Feb. 9 from 9-11:30 pm. Dodgeball, a dance with a DJ,

Grace S. Show choir video pic

Show choirs dance into competition season

The Pius X show choir department has been preparing for months for the competition season. Spectrum, the advanced mixed group, and Prism, the all girls group, are directed by Edgar

Libby Senior musician video pic

Senior paves musical path

Senior Brandon Sumner taught himself five different instruments his freshman year after hearing his favorite musicians and deciding he wanted to imitate them. “I started making music my freshman year

Lillian Snow days video pic

How many snow days is too many snow days?

From Jan. 8-16, Lincoln schools called four snow days and only had two days of classes. In Nebraska, snow days in January are far from uncommon, but having so many

Cassie Malina Fall play video

Backstage look at fall play preparations

The Pius X theatre department, Pius Players, has been working hard to prepare for their opening night of their production “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the


Journalism staff distributes latest Xchange

Students in journalism have been working hard to write and produce the Pius Xchange. Each member wrote three to five articles to be included in this issue of the newspaper.

Winter Formal PSA

Pius X’s Winter Formal will occur this Saturday. While there has been a lot of confusion of what the dance will be like, principal Terry Kathol assured students, “Winter Formal

JD CLM mock interviews1

CLM classes learn through mock interviews

On Wednesday, Nov. 10, Ryan Psota’s Career and Life Management classes took part in mock interviews. The interviews were held during second and third periods in the commons.

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