Pius X Foundation

Phone: 402-488-1046


Engaging connections. Impactful partnerships. Faithful stewardship.


The Pius X Foundation prayerfully advances the mission of Pius X High School by facilitating engagement and investment that sustain our legacy of Catholic education.

Core Values

Faith – Unshakable trust in God
Relationship – Connecting our Pius X Family
Ingenuity – Resourceful, agile, and innovative
Stewardship – Faithfully caring for the investments entrusted to us
Gratitude – Joyfully showing appreciation for all gifts

Ways to Give

– Partner with us in keeping tuition affordable

– The St. Pius X Legacy Society honors individuals and families in their planned giving

– Scholarships allow all students a chance to attend Pius X High School

– Endowed funds last forever and serve as a permanent memorial

– Your company may match your gift, giving you an easy way to double or even triple your support

Projects & Events

The Pius X Alumni office works with alumni through events, gifts and outreach.

Our annual fundraising gala – BOLT – is held each year in the spring.

The design incorporates 21st century security standards, a “one stop” Welcome Center for visitors, and separate spaces dedicated to guest interaction and student interaction, including a new Student Health Center.

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View our twice-annual publication for alumni, parents and supporters, with an additional alumni-only publication in the spring.

The Pius X Foundation team hosts several events throughout the year.

Grandparents Day is an annual all-school Mass and reception to honor grandparents of our current students attending Pius X.

We celebrate Catholic education in Lincoln, Nebraska, raising funds a new front entrance, welcome center, and student health center

Our annual one-day celebration is part of our Fund for Pius X drive to support our students and staff.

Community Partners

Pius X is thankful for the companies that support our school through events and publications. These events have included BOLT, ThunderBOLT Family Fun Run, Homecoming and many more. We encourage our Pius X community to support these companies and organizations.

More ways to support Pius X

Tagg LogoVisit TAGG, take pictures of receipts at participating businesses, and a portion of your purchase will be shared with the nonprofit you choose. You can find a list of participating nonprofits – including Pius X – in the app or at

UnitedWay logoV color whitebox1DID YOU KNOW: If your company is hosting a United Way campaign you can designate your donation to come to Pius X? Simply write-in Pius X Foundation on the form, and the rest is taken care of for you. Thank you!

Distinguished Stewardship Award

A good steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes those gifts, shares them with others and returns a portion to the Lord. The recipient(s) are honored at our Friends of Pius X Appreciation Reception each August.

About Pius X Foundation

Helping YOU advance the Pius X Mission by:

  • Securing investments and grants to support the financial viability of Pius X High School now and in the future;
  • Acknowledging and recognizing investments of time, talent and treasure from our Alumni and other Pius X family members and community partners;
  • Offering B.O.L.T. and other special events that strengthen relationships within our Pius X family and connect our community to the school;
  • Distributing Foundation scholarships and tuition assistance awarded to students; and
  • Telling the Pius X story through digital and print communication.

The Pius X Foundation began in 1969 to help ensure the success of Pius X High School. Your advancement team works for you, our valued donors, to ensure the long-term financial stability of Pius X; keep Catholic education affordable; retain, attract and develop quality instructors; and encourage curriculum development. The Endowment has provided more than $10 million in direct support to Pius X High School, and secures the future of Pius X through your continued support.

Board of Directors - Pius X Foundation

Jenni Christensen
Rob Downey
Ed Easley ’89
Dorothy Endacott
Ryan Funke
Todd Furasek ’95
Monica Henkenius

Stacie (Bird) Hooks ’97
Tim Kalkowski
Brad Koehn
Charity Kuehn
Dan Oldenburg
Lindsay Strizek ’04
Ryan Theil
Pat Timmer

The Pius X Foundation is exempt from Federal income tax under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). The capital funds of the Pius X Foundation are never touched and only the earnings are used to provide the security of a steady, reliable income for Pius X High School.

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