The Xchange
Xchange: Features

Spanish IV classes celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe
Spanish IV classes celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in class on Jan. 10. Due to timing issues last semester, the classes were

Wick and Wax grows from idea to business
What originally started out as a warm Saturday morning eating breakfast at IHOP ended up

Theology IV classes act on “big issues”
Students in Sr. Maria Meza’s Theology IV class were assigned a project on suffering in

Marian Sisters hold special place at Pius X
The Marian Sisters are a religious order located in the Diocese of Lincoln. They follow

Contemporary History finishes semester with textbook project
As we approach the end of the first semester, Mr. Hain’s Contemporary History class finds itself finishing up in the same way it has for the past four years: a

Juniors create Wick and Wax candle company
A warm breakfast at IHOP helped ignite two students’ business idea. Wick and Wax Lincoln is a local candle business run by juniors Drew Hughes and Stephen Miriovsky. “Here at

Student-based candle business blooms in sales once again
It has been almost nine months since Wick and Wax Lincoln lit fuse, and in that time, the company has seen much growth. One of seniors Drew Hughes and Stephen

Sophomore pursues pilot dreams through Air Force camp
The United Sates Air Force offers an amazing opportunity for many high school students each summer to learn the basics of flying. Junior Roxie Prunty attended this camp from May

Band premieres custom songs written by director
The excitement of performing on the football field, the feel of crisp fall air and the sound of music drifting out of instruments. Marching band season is in full swing!

Katalenich recreates Last Supper in painting
Most students know Mike Katalenich as a Latin teacher and theater director, but fewer know him for his artistic skills. Starting in the summer of 2022, he has been putting

Spanish IV students share books with elementary students
Every year, students in Spanish IV create children’s books written in Spanish, and the best books from each class are voted on to be read to young Spanish learners. The

Spanish Club provides interactive way for students to practice
Spanish Club is a unique club where Spanish III and IV students can play games, socialize and eat snacks all while practicing their Spanish speaking. Learn more about Spanish Club

Senior to publish psychological thriller novel
“Ember can’t comprehend why this is happening, but a boy with bleach-blonde hair explains ‘Dexter wants friends.’” Grace Arrigo began her work on writing a psychological thriller in seventh grade.

Writing Resource Center strives to help students with writing
The Writing Resource Center was started to help students revise their essays. “The WRC began several years ago as a place for students to get extra help with writing,” sponsor

Child Development students learn to play and play to learn
This week, students in Child Development classes had a chance to lead their class in activities geared towards preschool-aged children. Students grouped into pairs and planned out lessons to present

Students remember loved ones through Dia de los Muertos celebrations
Every year at Pius X high school, Spanish classes celebrate Dia de los Muertos. This is a Mexican holiday which celebrates the lives of loved ones who have passed away.

Honor Guard works behind the scenes to keep chapel tidy
The Honor Guard meets every Wednesday in the chapel at Pius X. The Honor Guard cleans the chapel. It is an unseen but important part of our school. They keep

Office assistants keep students properly identified
Wearing a lanyard is part of the standard Pius X uniform, but what happens when they are lost? “When a student loses their lanyard, they will need to come ask
Munford steps into formation with Thunderettes
When Karmi Munford was six, she competed in her first dance competition and won first place. When asked what her name was, she couldn’t speak because she was so excited

Fantasy Book Club turns page to second year
Fantasy Book Club has been established by theology teacher Fr. Luke Fleck and senior Cassie Schlautman at Pius X. This club is held every Friday from 3:30 to 4:15 in

Academic Decathlon begins preparations for competition season
Academic Decathlon is one of the most unique classes Pius X has to offer. With a new topic every year and different subjects every few weeks, the class is always

Moore recognized at Volleyball Day in Nebraska
Jake Moore is currently in his 33rd year of coaching girls high school volleyball, and his 38th year of coaching club volleyball. Prior to the Husker’s recent Volleyball Day at

Baking Club mixes up fun
Baking Club is sponsored by food and nutrition and culinary teacher Amy Shonka and led by juniors Kirsten Shaw and Vivian Nguyen. The group meets on the second Wednesday of

Sr. Maria’s extended absence requiring teamwork to cover
Sr. Maria Meza’s Theology IV classes are being covered by a variety of teachers this semester at Pius X. Meza is away for the semester caring for her mother and

AP Human Geography class enjoys FAC Fridays
In Shiela Sievert’s AP Human Geography class, students share facts and food from a chosen country every Friday. “I work my AP kids very hard Monday through Thursday, so I

Mary’s Meals raises money for children of Zambia
AP Human Geography class held their Mary’s Meals fundraiser March 14-18. The funds were raised via a t-shirt sale, with the proceeds going to feed starving school children in Zambia.

Alex Adams leaving Lincoln to return to home state
Math teacher Alex Adams is leaving Pius X after teaching here for seven years. Although he wishes he could stay, life has other plans for him. “I grew up in

Kitchen staff prepares over 1000 meals each day
The Pius X kitchen staff have many things to prepare for each day as they get ready to serve around 1000 students.

One act cast produces “1000 Paper Cranes”
After many weeks of hard, consistent practice, Pius Players finally put together their heartbreaking story.

Nurse Holly making bright impact at Pius X
Holly Steinbach, or Nurse Holly, is one of the many wonderful faculty members at Pius X. Steinbach originally grew up on a farm in Wyoming before moving to North Carolina.

Milk Enjoyers Club gets rolling
A new club has recently been established, and it’s different from other clubs: the Milk Enjoyers Club. “So this is the Milk Enjoyers Club, we love milk,” president and co-founder

Restore gives students monthly praise and worship time
One straight hour to worship God sounds fantastic, right? Restore gives students that option. Restore is a monthly activity that takes place on the first Wednesday of every month. It’s

Class with the CAO
Having an administrator who also teaches an elective class is not something that happens every day, but that is exactly what Tom Korta’s role is this year. Korta is in

CLM students learn through mock interviews
Students in Career and Life Management had their annual mock interviews on Wednesday, November 10. The event was held in the commons and was organized by teacher Ryan Psota. “The

Mock Trial team recaps successful season
The Pius X Mock Trial team celebrated their successful season with a small awards ceremony that took place in the Pius X library after school on Tuesday, May 11. Team
Literature Club ends year with in-person meeting and book exchange
The Pius X Literature Club had their final meeting on Saturday, April 24. The meeting took place at the Harbor Coffeehouse and they discussed the book If We Were Villains

Machine Woodworking class builds night stands
Don McKee’s Machine Woodworking class is working on building different types of nightstands throughout the course of the year. “We usually work on the project four out of five days

Student Council gives seniors opportunity to showcase memories
The Pius X Student Council has asked seniors to send in photos from their past four years at Pius X to create a collage on the wall of the senior

Anatomy classes use drawings to learn
A new project has been introduced in Jenna Steenson’s anatomy classes. Students were given the task to pick out a character from any Disney movie and to create a diagram

Fern provides play-by-play for basketball games
Restrictions were placed on the attendance of sporting events everywhere in response to COVID-19, making it harder to keep up with games and events happening at Pius X. While live

Px Libris works to keep library nice
The Px Libris Library Club is made up of a group of students who all share a common interest in reading. They work to keep the library updated and clean.