Allison Mulka
Parents: Joseph and Mary Mulka
School(s) attended K-8: St. Joseph, Our Lady of Lourdes (Denver, CO)
Favorite place on campus: I love being in the chapel because it’s so peaceful. In all the craziness and noise of high school and the world, it’s refreshing to have a place for silence and reflection. I also love seeing more and more people praying and going to mass/restore. The LPAC is another one of my favorite places because I love performing and I’ve made a lot of fun memories there.
Activities at Pius X: Laudamus women’s choir, Pius X Singers, Concert Choir, Sotto Voce, Acabellas, Prism Show Choir, Spectrum Show choir, Pius Players, Campus Ministry, National Honor Society, and March for life/Pro life events.
What is/was your favorite class at Pius X, and why? I have really enjoyed my literature and choir classes. I had Mr. Hansen for Classic Literature and Mrs. Jakub for AP literature and I loved the challenging reading material, fruitful discussions and classroom community. I like choir because singing is one of my favorite things to do, and I get to hang out with all my friends.
How has your faith impacted your education, or how has your education impacted your faith? My education has impacted my faith because as Gerard Manley Hopkins says “Christ plays in ten thousand places!” When we seek truth, knowledge and wisdom, we seek Him, whether we realize it or not. By learning about God’s creation in literature, math, science, etc. I have learned more about Him. I especially appreciated the occasional time for prayer/sacraments set aside during theology class.
What are you most proud of about your time at Pius X? I’m most proud of the friendships I’ve made and being able to serve the school in campus ministry.
Where are your plans after high school (college, military, job, etc.)? What do you plan to study? I plan to attend Wyoming Catholic College in the fall to pursue a career in classical education.