Baking Club mixes up fun

Baking Club is sponsored by food and nutrition and culinary teacher Amy Shonka and led by juniors Kirsten Shaw and Vivian Nguyen.

The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month to bake delicious treats.

“Vivian and I will come up with an item that we want to make for the group, print out the recipe and buy the ingredients,” Shaw said. “We divide into group, bake the food together with the instructions that we gave them, and then we eat it.”

While they have a lot of fun baking, it is very important to them that members of the club remain safe.

“We will walk around every ten minutes making sure that everything that isn’t being used is turned off and warn them ahead of time when to start preheating the oven,” Nguyen said.

To club members, including Shaw and Nguyen, the club is less about the baking, and more about the community that is created.

“I think it’s a really laidback club,” Nguyen said. “People of all grades and ages can come together and find something in common which is baking and just relish in the end product.”

The club is very welcoming to new members including sophomore Maggie Seeman

“It’s a great way to meet to friends,” Seeman said. “I’ve actually met some really cool people.”

Joining Baking Club is very easy, all that you have to do is show up! For more information you can follow the Baking Club Instagram or talk to Shonka.

“I love seeing how excited people are to be able to have the opportunity to make things and spend time with their friends,” Shaw said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Cassie Schlautman

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