Fantasy Book Club turns page to second year

Fantasy Book Club has been established by theology teacher Fr. Luke Fleck and senior Cassie Schlautman at Pius X.

This club is held every Friday from 3:30 to 4:15 in room 1101. During the club, members discuss what they liked and disliked about the book the club is reading.

“We love talking about what we’re reading but sometimes we get sidetracked talking about other fantasy books we love,” senior Paisley Steiner said.

The club does not only read fantasy books, but they also play fantasy-themed games every first Friday of the month.

“I enjoy the games because they help us deepen our connection with books and it’s fun to do something different than our normal meetings,” Schlautman said.

Although there are other book clubs at Pius X, none of them run things like Fantasy Book Club does or are specifically dedicated to fantasy books.

“I wanted a book club specifically for fantasy books so I could read what I enjoy most,” Schlautman said.

Many of the members in the Fantasy Book Club are friends of Schlautman who also share her love for books. Not only do they share a love for fantasy books, but they have also deepened their friendships through the club.

“It is so beautiful to see them grow with each other through their love of fantasy books,” Fleck said.

As the year goes on, the Fantasy Book Club members hope to expand their group to a more diverse audience and read even more books with each other.

“I hope more people join because it really is a fun club and I want others to experience the joy I experience when I’m at the club,” Schlautman said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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