Volunteer Opportunity at Fun Run


ThunderBOLT Fun Run

We are looking for volunteers to help with the 13th Annual ThunderBOLT Fun Run! If you do not plan on participating in the Fun Run on August 3, 2024 at Holmes Lake Park- we could sure use your help from 7 a.m. – 10 a.m.! Please check your calendar and save the date to volunteer for this fun family friendly event! We need all kinds of help, but mostly for the start/finish line, recording results, directing people on the course to certified medics. Please choose your preference from the selection. We could use alumni, parents and students needing service hours to help us out. This would be a great opportunity for the incoming seniors to get a start on their service hours 🙂 Thank you for your consideration!

Sign up at ~ 13th Annual ThunderBOLT Fun Run: 13th Annual ThunderBOLT Fun Run (signupgenius.com)

Please contact Kristin Heath in the Alumni office for more information at 402-488-0931 Ext. 56132 or kristin.heath@piusx.net.

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